A little update
Hello all. It's been a long time since I've updated this blog. So, as a preemptive strike on one of my New Year's resolutions, I thought I'd give a few updates.
First, in January, I'll be starting as Managing Editor of the film studies journal Camera Obscura. I've been working for the journal as an intern/editorial assistant for the past two years and am excited about the expansion in my responsibilities. The journal recently received an excellent write-up in the Times Literary Supplement, particularly for our special issue on Todd Haynes and on "New Women of the Silent Screen: China, Japan, Hollywood" (due out soon). I can't seem to find an online link to the review, though-- (I'll try to remedy that in a bit)-- but for now a quote:
"Since the 1970's, Camera Obscura's editorial line has been continuously redefined, moving away from its original stance, predominantly informed my Laconian pyschoanalysis (never perhaps themost fruitful way of looking at film), and broadening its field of scholarship to include new kinds of spectatorships, from race-related and postcolonial perspectives to queer theory. The hybrid result, withSecond, I recently had a publication of my own released. It's the paper/chapter on television critics that I co-authored with my dissertation chair, Denise Bielby, and Bob Ngo and appears in the issue on Transformation in Cultural Industries of Research in the Sociology of Organizations series. It was pretty exciting to (finally!) get the hard copy in the mail last week. Here's a link to the volume's introduction.
its variety of voices and subject matter, makes for provaocative reading."
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