Saturday, April 24, 2004

This isn't new-- but I hadn't read it all until now and thought I'd send out a pointer in case you too missed it earlier . . . It's Cory Doctorow's speech from this year's O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference. He talks about e-books-- what they can offer readers, writers, publishers and he effectively demonstrates some real blindspots in the limited ways we tend to think about e-books-- as objects and practices-- (and, blindspots about regular old books and publishing too). The talk ranges from his love of books, to his outrage over the Harlan Ellison AOL/Usenet lawsuit, to his experience releasing Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom online, to general copyright issues.

Now, as much as I love books, I love computers, too. Computers
are fundamentally different from modern books in the same way
that printed books are different from monastic Bibles: they are
malleable. . . .

And as a nice sidenote (which itself is illustrative of some of the points of the speech), he released the text of the speech with a creative commons license-- and someone has not only translated it into Spanish, but annotated and enriched it as well.


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